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Concerts in Peru, U.S., Malaysia, and Singapore

  • Nation |
  • Date | August 11, 2019
We held concerts to deliver the love of God Elohim and help our neighbors in need in Peru, U.S., Malaysia, and Singapore with the power of music, a universal language. Prepared by the Church of God members, the concerts inspired participants with beautiful melodies, though they were different in size and place.

Charity concert to help volcano victims in Moquegua, Peru

Recently, the Ubinas volcano in Moquegua, Peru, showed signs of imminent eruption, causing anxiety to the residents. Volcanic ash and gases were already emitted up into the atmosphere at an altitude of 5,000 meters [16,400 ft] and volcanic ash fallout contaminated water and damaged crops.

The Philo Se Orchestra that consisted of 33 Peruvian members played many songs such as a New Song, Today, I Go to Zion, an OST from the movie La La Land, and a folk song El Condor Pasa with a traditional musical instrument. “This event will be of great help to our neighbors having hard times and a shoulder to lean on,” said Governor of Callao Dante Mandriotti, appreciating the concert.

ⓒ 2019 WATV
ASEZ Concert “Working Together for World Peace” in the U.S.

The members of ASEZ the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group in the U.S. hosted a concert under the theme, “Working Together for World Peace” at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in Manhattan, New York, on the same day. In March, ASEZ held a concert to encourage citizens, business executives, doctors, and professors to build a safe, crimeless society. This concert too served as a platform to draw solidarity and cooperation in implementing the UN SDGs.

Through her congratulatory speech before the concert, Administrative Law Judge Regina Rinaldi commended the university students for making efforts to create a better community. “A lot of people continue to commit crimes because they do not have a strong family support system. ASEZ is carrying out volunteer services with the heart of a mother, and so it can change the world for the better,” she said. New York State Assemblyman Nader Sayegh awarded ASEZ with a letter of recognition.

The orchestra players and choir members, who had gathered from across America like New York, Denver, and L.A., delivered the message of peace with high-quality collaboration. When the performance ended with Hallelujah Chorus, the audience of over 800 gave a standing ovation for a curtain call, and expressed their will of participation in the efforts for peace and safety.

ⓒ 2019 WATV
Concerts with Mother’s love in Malaysia and Singapore

“Healing Concert with Mother’s Love” was held at the Platform Performing Arts Theatre in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, to invigorate citizens tired in daily life on August 11. It was extra special as the Church of God members from three countries of Malaysia, Singapore, and Korea, united to perform beyond the barriers of language and culture. The performers practiced ten days before the concert and touched the hearts of the audience of more than 300 with a New Song, The Bright, Heavenly Way, Shostakovich’s Waltz No. 2, Johann Strauss I’s Radetzky March, and so on. Singers sang You Raise Me Up and When You Believe in beautiful harmony. The united orchestra presented a refreshing time to Singaporeans at the Chevrons Auditorium on the following day (Aug. 12).

“Listening to the performance full of God’s teachings was greatly inspiring,” said Dr. Ng Sean Pin at Nanyang Technological University, praising the harmony beyond national borders.

ⓒ 2019 WATV

Church Intro. Video
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