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On April 7 in the evening (the fourteenth day of the first month by sacred calendar), the Church of God members in 175 countries around the world who had eagerly waited for the Passover kept it holy, mostly at their homes through online worship, except in the few countries where COVID-19 did not spread. It was followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 8th and the Day of Resurrection on the 12th through online worship to recall the sacrifice of Christ and the meaning of resurrection.
On October 22, 2019, the first dedication service after the autumn feast was held. The members at the Naedong Church in Daejeon, who received not only the Holy Spirit of the latter rain through the Feast of Tabernacles but also a new spiritual storehouse, attended the dedication service along with the Third-day service and gave praise of thanks to God.
The autumn feast when God promises us abundant blessings came in this fruit-bearing season. The Church of God members all over the world have made efforts to preach the gospel of the new covenant established by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to the whole world. They participated in the Sacred Assemblies of the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles, and prayed to God for the grace of the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit of the latter rain, hoping to deliver the message of the forgiveness of sins and salvation to seven billion people around the world by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Seminar for Workers has offered a time of consolation to people beyond regions and generations. This time, the seminars were held in Jejudo Island the biggest tourist attraction in Korea, Seongnam, and Cheonan on September 1, 2019. It was also held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on the 15th and received a great response from citizens.
We held concerts to deliver the love of God Elohim and help our neighbors in need in Peru, U.S., Malaysia, and Singapore with the power of music, a universal language. Prepared by the Church of God members, the concerts inspired participants with beautiful melodies, though they were different in size and place.
University students from around the world gathered for the Global ASEZ Summit 2019: A Quantum Leap for Change towards Zero Crime, held at the New Jerusalem Temple in Korea on July 15, 2019, with aspirations to build a crimeless, peaceful, and safe world by creating change on the campus. More than 2,500 people including professors, journalists, and ASEZ members from forty-two countries in six continents participated in the event to discuss action plans to implement the Reduce Crime Together [RCT] campaign more effectively.
ASEZ the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group was invited to the 68th UN Civil Society Conference held for three days from August 26, 2019.
Around the end of July 2019, 540 members from the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group [ASEZ] and Church of God Young Adult Worker Volunteer Group [ASEZ WAO] flew to 84 cities around the world to help their neighbors in the big world and furthermore preserve the earth, which is home to life.
ASEZ University Student Volunteer Group performs volunteer services without a break, whether during semesters or vacations. During the winter vacation in January 2019, more than 420 Korean members of ASEZ went to 67 cities in 36 countries, and carried out activities to preserve the environment and improve welfare, in partnership with people from all walks of life such as local university students, church members, local citizens, environment/welfare experts, and public institutions and university personnel.