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With Love and Yearning for Mother

  • Nation | Peru
  • Date | February 16, 2010
Now people from all nations are coming to Zion according to the prophecies of the Bible. The light of the gospel is spreading rapidly here in Peru as well, and many souls are being led to Zion. I give thanks to God for clothing this weak and sinful child with the grace of salvation; and I give even more thanks to Elohim for entrusting me with the world mission and leading me to the way of blessing.

It has been two years since I came to Huancayo. Although I’m weak, I am able to powerfully running the way of the gospel today, too, thanks to my heavenly family members who are united and considerate of each other and serve one another, most of all because of the powerful hand of God Elohim who always guides me.

The light of life breaks the darkness

Peru is located in the center of South America. Geographically it is so far away from Korea, but I think you may not feel like it is too far away probably because you’ve occasionally heard the gracious news about the Lima Church. Lima, the capital city, is the place where the banner of Zion was first raised in Peru, and it was also through the members of the Lima Church that the gospel of the new covenant was preached in Huancayo for the first time. The members of the Lima Church delivered the gospel to their relatives living in Huancayo and bore fruits, and afterwards some self-supporting volunteers from Korea helped them, so the truth was spread quickly.

Being called by God, I came to Huancayo in March, 2007. At that time, around 80 brothers and sisters were keeping the faith, and there were many people who showed interest in the truth even though they hadn’t received it yet. In short, they were thirsty for the water of life, and there were certain reasons for that.

Like most South American countries, over 90% of the population in Peru believe in Catholicism. There is a big Catholic Church built in every town; crowded places, like squares or streets, are filled with statues of the Virgin Mary or saints; and a Catholic feast is held every month. Catholicism strongly influences their daily lives.

Because of this social background, we presume that most Peruvians are enthusiastic about their religion, but not all of them are so. Among those who introduce themselves as Christians, there are many who don’t actually believe in God. It is not difficult to meet people who don’t go to church or have never heard the words of the Bible.

Peru is the cradle of the Inca civilization. In the 15th century, the Inca Empire was built around the Andes region, the northern part of Peru, and enjoyed prosperity. Although the empire was conquered by Spain only a hundred years later, its traditions and customs have been deeply ingrained in their lives even until today. The Catholic festival, which is held every month, also originated from the festival for “Inti” the sun-god of the Incas; this festival changed its name and was introduced into the Catholic Church. So, it is not really a holy feast to praise and worship God, but just an “enjoyable party.” Besides this, we can find easily the traces of folk religion in the Catholic Church.

In this situation, Peruvians seemed to have closed their mind to the truth. Recently, they became more indifferent to religion as they suffered financial difficulties because of the global economic recession. Since the truth was twisted and perverted, they gave up hope for heaven and their souls were weary of their lives. As they were confined in darkness for a long time, they greatly welcomed the light of truth that Heavenly Mother shone on them. That’s why we should quickly preach the gospel here.

Heavenly Mother, the key of the gospel

Since they were so thirsty for the word of God, I was anxious to preach the gospel to them, but there was almost nothing I could do; I had just learned the consonants and vowels of the Spanish language. To make matters worse, a member who provided the place for worship moved to another region. When I first preached a sermon titled “Jerusalem Mother” in Spanish, which I had practiced in Korea, I broke out in a cold sweat over my whole body.

Even while preaching, a feeling of uneasiness came over me continuously. When I felt that way, I relied on God all the more because it was only Heavenly Mother who could open my mouth to speak fluently and also open the tightly closed minds of the local people. Success or failure of the gospel depends on how much we rely on God and how fully we are united, not on the ability to speak a foreign language. So I made every effort to deliver Mother’s love to the members, praying hard. At that time, there were mostly new members in the Huancayo Zion. So, above all, they needed Mother’s love to grow to be gospel workers.

First, I translated the taped sermons about Heavenly Mother into Spanish with the help of a local member. And we watched the videos about Mother with them very often. Telling them why Mother had to come down to this lowly earth and what kind of suffering Mother was going through to find Her children, I earnestly hoped that they would realize Mother’s love in their hearts. We were short of the materials such the Truth Books and videos, compared to Korean members, and I was not able to preach details about the Bible because of the language barrier. Knowing my anxious heart, God filled up what was lacking in me.

The members engraved the boundless love and sacrifice of Mother in their hearts and gave thanks to Elohim, and they began to put the love into practice by participating in the mission of the gospel. While they were preaching the truth and bearing fruit and sharing their realizations with other members, many of them grew to be workers of the gospel.

Truly, the key of the gospel is Heavenly Mother. Even here in Peru, where everything, including language, culture and view of value is different, many souls were being revived. Witnessing it, I realized again that the gospel work is done by the love and grace of Heavenly Mother, not by human thought or ability. Although we went through many trials and errors without knowing where to go, all those experiences eventually became healthy nutriment which made our soul stronger. As we gave thanks to God in our given circumstances and made every effort to find our lost brothers and sisters with one mind, God blessed us with abundant fruit.

Young adult members like the dew of the dawn who willingly devote themselves to God

People in Huancayo, who live together with nature in the hilly areas 3,200 meters [10,500 ft] above sea level, are very bright and optimistic. They are also favorable to the truth, and are willing to listen to the Word when we tell them we are preaching the word of God. Particularly, they show interest in the truth about Heavenly Mother. When we say, “Heavenly Mother gives us the water of life,” they ask us back, “Is Mary Mother?” After studying the truth carefully through the Bible, they admit it with amazement. Many of them are blessed to be reborn as the children of God. Since it is rare to meet people who hinder or refute the truth, many members enjoy the pleasure of preaching and bearing fruit to the fullest. Indeed, this is a fertile land for the gospel.

ⓒ 2010 WATV
One of the special things about the Huancayo Church is that the young adult members like the dew of the dawn take the lead in preaching; they preach anywhere and anytime, and energize the members of Zion. In Huancayo there are many world famous universities like the National University of Central Peru. Young people, who have gathered together to plan for a better future at campus, are led into the arms of God and realize the true meaning of life, cherishing great ambitions for the gospel. Seeing the young adults preach enthusiastically while trying their hardest at work and school as well, I’m reminded of the Biblical verse, “Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy majesty, from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your youth” (Ps 110:3).

Among the young adult members, I’d like to share the fragrance of Brother Christian. Brother Christian, who is a lawyer, received the truth in February last year and studied the Bible for months. He grew in faith and realized many things while keeping the feasts. Then he threw himself into the gospel work, saying, “I want to do really a valuable work.” Now Brother Christian preaches the gospel wholeheartedly and bears much fruit. He also sets a good example for the new members by always studying the Bible and preparing the lamp and oil of faith, so that he can fully be used as a good instrument for God.

The gospel work accelerated as the members who devoted themselves to saving souls, including Brother Christian, increased in number. During the prayer week of the Day of Pentecost this year, the members participated unitedly in the Holy Spirit Movement and led the largest number of souls since the Huancayo Zion was established. We were all surprised to see many souls rushing into Zion. Having experienced the Biblical words, “Ask, and it will be given to you,” the members are testifying to the Word more boldly.

Sometimes, I’m worried whether the members might get exhausted because they live in very difficult circumstances. Although they say, “We are okay,” how can they, feeble human beings, not feel tired? However, the members overcome all difficulties with an earnest desire to meet Mother after finding all of the heavenly family members, saying, “We can’t stay still even for a moment when we think of Mother who sacrifices for us, even forgetting to sleep or rest.” Their love and yearning for Mother, who dwells in the flesh in a far-away country on the other side of the earth across the ocean, enable them to work for the gospel with enthusiasm and strength that is welling up endlessly.

Shine the light of life all over South America

This past April, some members of the Huancayo Church had the blessed opportunity to join the “37th Overseas Visiting Group.” Nine members flew to Korea and experienced Mother’s great love. They have become more mature in faith, and are now sending forth the strong fragrance of Zion, with a humble attitude like that of Mother.

Deacon Carlos, who works for a bank, hardly participated in preaching the gospel because he used to work until late at night. However, he has changed since he saw Mother in Korea. On Fridays when he can leave his office comparatively early, he comes to Zion with his colleagues. He still doesn’t have sufficient time, but makes every effort to deliver the Word to even one more soul. Recently, he has led his colleague’s family to the truth. Now many of his colleagues come to Zion every week, and I believe that he will reap abundant fruits soon.

The members of the Huancayo Church concentrate on the sermon during every worship service. They become even more attentive when I deliver the words of Mother to them. Being afraid of losing a single word of Mother’s teaching, they become very quiet and listen carefully.

The members get all teary-eyed when they only hear the word “Mother.” Through them, I realize many things, and I feel like I’m getting closer to Mother. In Korea I sought Mother only when I had a hard time, but now I always ask Mother for help and pray on all occasions that everything will be done in the grace of Mother.

We are preparing a short-term mission trip to Tarma to please Mother who prays anxiously for us, Her weak and feeble children. There are still many regions such as Chanchamayo, Jauja and Satipo where the gospel has not been preached yet, so we earnestly pray to God that the banner of Zion will quickly be raised there, too.

It is not only Peru that waits for God’s saving hand. There are numerous souls all over South America who are confined in spiritual darkness and live in pain; they are impatiently waiting for God’s prophets who will convey the light of life to them.

Now the prophecies of God are being fulfilled quickly like lightning. If we delay, there will be no blessing left for us; because Zion has been established in most of the countries in South America and the gospel is spreading so fast to many regions through house-churches and short-term mission trips. I hope that many of our brothers and sisters will experience the power of God Elohim, feel Their love and sacrifice, and receive abundant blessings by participating in the overseas mission before it is too late.

We, the members of the Huancayo Church, will advance forcefully, cherishing Mother’s love in our hearts, until the day when the world evangelism is completed. Mother, please let us faithfully carry out the world mission and receive plenty of blessings by following Your will to the fullest!
Church Intro. Video
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